Candy Taxi’s passengers rounds-up to add Light to the World

Candy Taxi’s passengers round-up to add light to the world

It all began with a phone call on a normal morning that brought us to tell you and to share our appreciation for the original initiative from the warm and generous heart of Tomer, the taxi driver of Candy Taxi on his initiative turned to light to the world to transfer money donations which round-up for Light to the World that help the sick and needy.

Before Tomer started working as an independent, he worked as a salaried employee for two years. During the course of his work, he met a lot of people who accompanied treatments in all the hospitals in Israel. He always had candy in his taxi to make those people happy and feel the warm and warm atmosphere with him …

After a while he decided to start his own business, he chose Candy Taxi.

And how is it done?

For this , the Watsup Group was established between Tomer The  taxi driver of Candy Taxi and  light to the world.Tomer Samuhi sends a Watsup message to Light to the World in front of the traveler who donated and rounded the amount he wanted for the benefit of Light to the World. Once a month, the cumulative amount is transferred to the Amuta’s account.
The donations are tax deductible and the amount of the tax refund Tomer has promised to donate as a contribution to Light to the World in favor of patients and children with special needs.

Do you want to add light to the world your way? Contact Us !